synchronization interface

英 [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n ˈɪntəfeɪs] 美 [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n ˈɪntərfeɪs]

网络  同步接口



  1. You configure the Rational Synchronization Server through the Web-based interface provided by the framework.
  2. You'll also develop the data synchronization logic using an interface map component, and use the enterprise discovery wizard to create the EIS export and EIS import.
  3. Data binding creates a synchronization relationship between application state ( e.g.local variables or entity properties) and the user interface.
  4. Users can now setup synchronization across SQL Azure Databases in multiple data centers as well as Cloud-to-on-premise synchronization with a simple point-and-click interface.
  5. The predicate/ transition net dialogue model and the separation of synchronization constraints from an application specific object help to develop concurrent multi thread user interface applications, and to avoid the so called inheritance anomaly.
  6. Finally, Status synchronization and Action synchronization concepts to solve interface shared problem are provided.
  7. During design the special License Plate recognition system based on DSP, I resolved many problems such as video capture synchronization, the conversion from 16 bits RGB to 24 bits RGB, the interface between DSP and SDRAM, FLASH video capture and host PC and so on.
  8. Design A Detector of Frame Synchronization Codes in PCM Telemetry System with CAMAC Interface
  9. Optimistic Synchronization Analysis and the RTI Interface Performance Parameter Testing
  10. The whole structure as follows: Having analyzed the error code and demonstrated the feasibility that data collection and synchronization verification project is done with the USB 2.0 bus interface in the theodolite data communication system.
  11. Synchronization performance analysis on digital trunk interface
  12. The Point-to-Point time synchronization was used in down layer intelligent devices with clock synchronization signal interface and higher precision in miniature bus system.
  13. Third, study and achieve the kernel middle software of RTDSE, complete the communication service, synchronization service, flew manage, manager service, data service, interface service and so on.
  14. The results indicate that the alpha frequency band spectrum of output shows event-related desynchronization and synchronization ( ERD and ERS), which is consistent with the brain computer interface experiment.
  15. The multi-task management platform was designed with multithread technology, which realized synchronization between real-time communication and dynamic refreshment of the interface.
  16. Based on the original structure and the synchronization control system, the thesis proposes scheme based on CPCI interface.
  17. Another is date layer system-integrated technology. It presents a transmission synchronization date interface technology for the system.
  18. The data synchronization of the system applies network communications and wireless communications, overcoming disadvantage of serial communication such as the short transmission distance, slow transfer rates and other shortcomings. The system can make use of existing network interface to reducing the wiring difficulty.
  19. For applications, this paper adopts the synchronization design to avoid clash when CMOS and LCD interface visit SDRAM at the same time.
  20. OCT system is mainly composed of optical measurement, signal processing modules, synchronization control by FPGA, image acquisition interface.
  21. Finally it presented the measured performance of IF transmitter on FPGA and the performance analysis of synchronization and interface between DSP and FPGA, as well as some improvement suggestion.
  22. With regard to standard interface, three problems are discussed: the synchronization of transformers, the low power design of circuit on the high voltage side and the realization of standard interface.